


Microneedling services offered in Rockford, IL

If you’re tired of imperfect skin and unwelcome signs of aging, a simple solution is within reach at L’Arte Di Vivere in Rockford, Illinois. Skilled physician assistant Leesa Gillooley, PA-C, and her staff provide microdermabrasion and radiofrequency microneedling using Pixel8 technology. Call the office to learn more, or use the online booking feature today.

Microneedling Q & A

What is microneedling?

Microneedling technology at L’Arte Di Vivere uses tiny needles and radiofrequency energy to stimulate new cell growth and younger-looking, revitalized skin without surgery or downtime. The Pixel8 microneedling machine available at L’Arte Di Vivere was recently awarded the Cosmo Holy Grail award for its superior effects.

In addition to radiofrequency microneedling, your L’Arte Di Vivere specialist may apply platelet-rich plasma (PRP) to treated skin using platelets sourced from your own blood. Doing so optimizes anti-aging results.

L’Arte Di Vivere also provides microdermabrasion. This treatment gently sands away outer skin cell layers to naturally promote new cell growth.

What are the benefits of microneedling?

The advantages of undergoing microneedling at L’Arte Di Vivere include skin that is:

  • Smoother
  • Younger-looking
  • Revitalized
  • Tighter
  • Less scarred 
  • Even-toned
  • Softer
  • Less wrinkled

Microneedling boosts collagen and elastin production and enhances your skin’s resilient complexion. It’s a holistic anti-aging treatment that provides outstanding outcomes. 

Is microneedling right for me?

Your cosmetic specialist examines your skin, reviews your medical history, and discusses your aesthetic goals before determining if microneedling is right for you. They also let you know what to expect and may suggest multiple treatment sessions to perfect the results. 

What should I expect during my treatment?

While you relax, your provider cleans your skin and numbs the treatment area. They use a Pixel8 microneedling machine to make tiny microtears in targeted areas of your skin. Simultaneously, they emit painless radiofrequency energy into the treatment area and apply PRP if it’s part of your treatment plan. 


What happens after microneedling?

Treated skin is often temporarily red, tender, or swollen after undergoing microneedling treatments. You may resume your typical daily activities immediately, since there’s no significant downtime required after microneedling.

It’s important to keep treated skin clean and protect it from the sun. During the next few days and weeks, affected tissues heal, and treated skin appears healthier, revitalized, and younger-looking.

Periodic repeat microneedling sessions offer long-lasting results and a more youthful appearance. Your specialist lets you know when to schedule your next appointment.

Call L’Arte Di Vivere or use the online booking tab today to take advantage of radiofrequency microneedling treatments.